2008 Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Transportation Research Board

This page provides links to the agenda, biosketches, recording, presentation handouts and background information regarding the Inaugural Ambulance Transport Safety Summit - held at the Keck Center of the National Academies in DC on November 7th 2008, click on the .pdf icon to download the handout. (nb - Agenda, Biosketches of participants, opening address and recording are posted here - remaining handouts are pending)


The EMS Transportation Safety Subcommittee of the National Academies Transportation Research Board (TRB) in conjunction with the National Ambulance Transportation Safety (ATS) Task Force held an inaugural Ambulance Transport Safety Summit in Washington DC.This Summit included an interdisciplinary panel of invited speakers, and a live Webinar broadcast and has been recorded electronically. There were approximately 45 onsite and 100 online attendees who participated.

The purpose of the Summit is to share interdisciplinary peer reviewed and published transportation safety and technical data. It has been identified that access to transportation safety and technical data is complex and the EMS community is in need of this information to improve operations and practice in providing quality patient care and safe transport today and into the future.

The event was Chaired by Dr. Nadine Levick (Chair of the EMS Safety Subcommittee of the National Academies TRB), with Rick Pain PhD from the National Academies TRB. Dr. James Augustine, Medical Director of DC Fire/EMS provided the opening address.The Summit covered a full spectrum of ground transportation safety issues for EMS and patient transport. The five general topics included: Data, Vehicle Operations, Vehicles, Human Factors and ergonomics and Standards.

The Summit was interdisciplinary and involved transportation, data, engineering and human factors participants as well as EMS leaders and organizations and federal agencies and academic representatives. We have included the agenda as well as a list of speaker, moderators and invitees for your information. The participants included 15 speakers and 6 moderators, with live electronic access, with interactive access for off-site participants in real time from the USA and internationally.

The Summit is recorded as a live Webinar and the recording is available here for off line public access (presently as one large file - please standby for it to be posted by topic section). In addition, the National Academies 'e-circular' will also chronicle the Summit content in detail. Links are here to the agenda, biosketches and presentation handouts, click on the .pdf icon to download the information. (nb - Agenda, Biosketches of participants, opening address and full recording are posted here - - other handouts and topic section recording are pending). The next interdiciplinary Ambulance Transport Safety Summit is scheduled for October 29, 2009, at the Keck Center of the National Academies, Wasington DC.

Summit Recording Link -

CLICK HERE for a full recording of the November 2008 Ambulance Transport Safety Summit. The muffled sound clears after the initial 5 minutes - and also ignore the telephone beeps and dial in instructions - (please standby for the recording by topic section)
nb.You may require Gotomeeting G2M3 codec to run the recording, from http://www.wmplugins.com/ItemDetail.aspx?&codec=G2M3

Agenda, Biosketches and Handouts -

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
The Agenda for the TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit, Washington DC, 2008
An inaugural summit held on November 7th, 2008, addressing an interdisciplinary spectrum of EMS transport safety issues

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
The biosketches of the Summit Speakers and Moderators for the TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit, Washington DC, 2008
An inaugural summit held on November 7th, 2008, addressing an interdisciplinary spectrum of EMS transport safety issues

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Opening Address and Introductory Presentation
Dr. Jim Augustine and Dr. Nadine Levick's opening presentations.

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Data presentations for TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Moderator Ms. Martha Florey -
Presentations by:
Dr. Robert Dodd
Dr. Nadine Levick
Ms. Janice Windau

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Vehicle Operations presentations for TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Moderator Mr. Michael Reid -
Presentations by:
Mr. Kurt Krumperman
Mr. Kevin Roche
Mr. Paul Riley
Ms. Nancy Bendickson

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Vehicle presentations for TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Moderator Mr. Ken Beers -
Presentations by:
Prof. Raphael Grzebieta
Dr. Nadine Levick

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Human Factors and Ergonomics presentations for TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Moderator Mr. Kevin Peters -
Presentations by:
Mr. Jon Swanson
Mr. John Killeen
Mr. Chris Fitzgerald

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Standards presentations for TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Moderator Mr. Larry Weirsch -
Presentations by:
Dr. Nadine Levick
Ms. Eileen Frazer

TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Wrap up Summary presentation for TRB Ambulance Transport Safety Summit
Moderator Prof. Art Cooper -

Special thanks to -

* The National Academies for providing the impressive Keck Center facilities and support staff Ms. Joanice Cole
* The Ambulance Transportation Safety (ATS) Task Force for their invaluable planning and direction
* The EMS Safety Foundation for sponsoring a number of the speakers and moderators for this important inaugural Summit
* The outstanding supporting Interns from the EMS Safety Foundation:
- Leo McFarland, Bill Beers and Dave Carlberg MD
